Dinner With Quinn is a powerful and thought-provoking feature film about a seemingly perfect young woman named Maddie who, over an elaborate dinner with her younger sister Quinn, reveals her plan to commit suicide by the evening’s end.
Initial Funding Goal: $49,500
Raised: $7,900 From: 92 Backers
Remaining: $41,600
Funded: 16%
Deadline: Rolling
(no fixed deadline)
PRODUCERS: Dawn Fields, James Popiden
SENIOR EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Dawn Fields, John A. Gibbons, Garry G. Luke, James Popiden, Jeffrey J. Scott, Robert Sciglimpaglia, Jennifer Wiggs
TOP EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Victor Competiello, Casey Lambert, Samuel Peralta
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Dinner With Quinn is the story of a young woman named Maddie who appears to have everything but has decided to end her life.
Her only wish is to spend her final hours with her beloved younger sister, Quinn, a lively “party girl” who is kind and loving but has her own issues.
Maddie invites Quinn over for dinner to reveal her plan, hoping for compassion and understanding.
Instead, Quinn erupts with fury and disbelief. She locks herself in the bathroom and threatens to die alongside Maddie if she doesn’t reconsider.
Separated by the bathroom door and their opposing views on suicide, the sisters engage in a profound discussion about love, sacrifice, selfishness, and the meaning of “quality of life”.
This conversation brings them to a deeper understanding of each other’s pain and struggles.
But will it be enough to change Maddie’s mind? Or will Quinn go through with her threat?
Location Scouting
This campaign is for development funds and to kick things off while we raise the full budget through investors and tax deductible donations. These funds will help us with casting, location scouting and other early pre-production costs.
The film’s budget will be $250-300K depending on the level of talent we attach.
We would love to shoot before mid-November, but of course it all depends on how quickly we can reach all our funding goals and find the right talent.
As of now, the film is set for a 1-2 week shoot to be filmed in an upscale cabin in the beautiful mountain town of Wrightwood, CA which is just outside of Los Angeles.
We hope to attract the best cast and crew possible to support the unique vision of the film and your support can help us do that!
Below you’ll find an array of perks including “Have Dinner with Quinn” (a virtual dinner with the cast and director!) exclusive online screenings, a digital download/DVD/BR of the finished film, signed movie posters and director’s script with notes, exclusive IMDb producer credits and more!
Sharing this link on your social media goes a long way, too. Especially if you are a backer!
Thank you in advance for checking out our campaign! You can help us get there!
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Writer / Director / Producer
Dawn Fields is a Los Angeles-based filmmaker and founder of Wild Heart Entertainment. With over 25 years of experience working as a producer, writer, director and editor, her films have won over 30 awards, most notably, the powerful Alzheimer’s film Fragile Storm (starring Lance Henriksen).
With a background in acquisitions, development, production, and distribution, she has worked for such companies as LucasFilm, Twentieth Century Fox, Tri-Star, ABC, NBC, Aaron Spelling Productions and Morgan Creek.
Fragile Storm can be found on most major streaming platforms as part of The Edge of Her Mind Anthology (it’s the third short film in the collection).
Watch multiple award-winning
Starring Lance Henriksen
“Dinner with Quinn is important to me because when people don’t talk about their mental health struggles, it can create a volatile situation that may lead to regrettable actions.
Sharing difficult thoughts and feelings with others, especially mental health professionals, is crucial for understanding, prevention, and healing.
This film has already sparked essential discussions, and we hope the awareness it generates will make a meaningful difference in the world.” — James Popiden
James Popiden has worked with Dawn Fields for over 12 years as Producer and Senior Executive Producer. With a background in television production, bioethics, and finance, James has helped Ms. Fields produce numerous short films, including the multiple award-winning short film Fragile Storm (starring Lance Henriksen).
He has also been instrumental in developing several feature film projects, including Dinner With Quinn. He has a passion for telling intellectually engaging and life-changing stories.
Backer Thank You
A THANK YOU as a show of gratitude for your kind support of our film.
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Special Thanks IMDb Credit
Special Thanks credit on IMDb and in the end credits of the film.
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Digital Download
Digital Download of the finished film (just before its public release!).
- IMDb Special Thanks
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- Exclusive Backer Email Updates
- Shout Out
Signed DVD or Blu-ray
Your choice of a DVD or Blu-ray signed by the CAST and the DIRECTOR.
- Digital Download of the Film!
- IMDb Special Thanks
- Your Name on Our Website
- Exclusive Backer Email Updates
- Shout Out
VIP Online Watch Party
An invitation to the private BACKERS-ONLY online WATCH PARTY BEFORE the film’s public release! Be the first to see the film!
- Signed DVD or Blu-ray
- Digital Download of the Film!
- IMDb Special Thanks
- Your Name on Our Website
- Exclusive Backer Email Updates
- Shout Out
Private Pitch Coaching
A 60-minute ONE-ON-ONE session with multiple award-winning Filmmaker and Pitch Coach Dawn Fields where you’ll learn her exclusive method for how to pitch anything.
From a business to a story idea, to pitching yourself, learn the secrets to pitching with ease and clarity.
- VIP Online Watch Party
- Signed DVD or Blu-ray
- Digital Download of the Film!
- IMDb Special Thanks
- Your Name on Our Website
- Exclusive Backer Email Updates
- Shout Out
Very Special Thanks, Signed Poster & Script
Your name as VERY SPECIAL THANKS on IMDb and in the end credits of the film.
Official Script with DIRECTOR’S NOTES signed by writer/director Dawn Fields (digital).
Official Movie Poster signed by the CAST and DIRECTOR (digital high-res file to print yourself!).
- Private Pitch Session
- VIP Online Watch Party
- Signed DVD or Blu-ray
- Digital Download of the Film!
- Your Name on Our Website
- Exclusive Backer Email Updates
- Shout Out
Have Dinner With Quinn!
After the film wraps you’ll be invited to an EXCLUSIVE online Dinner Party with the CAST and DIRECTOR (via Zoom).
Ask your burning questions about the making of the film or about the business itself!
We will give at least two weeks notice regarding the date
- Very Special Thanks
- Signed Script and Poster
- Private Pitch Session
- VIP Online Watch Party
- Signed DVD or Blu-ray
- Digital Download of the Film!
- Your Name on Our Website
- Exclusive Backer Email Updates
- Special Shout Out
* Free Shipping Within the USA
Associate Producer IMDb Credit
Associate Producer credit on IMDb and in the end credits of the film.
- Have Dinner With Quinn!
- Signed Script and Poster
- Private Pitch Session
- VIP Online Watch Party
- Signed DVD or Blu-ray
- Digital Download of the Film!
- Your Name on Our Website
- Exclusive Backer Email Updates
- Special Shout Out
* Free Shipping Within the USA
Even if you can’t contribute right now, sharing the link to this page and helping us spread the word really helps as well!
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TOP EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: David Cohen, Beverly M. Collins, Brandon Keeton
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Audra Angelique, Michael Falco, Willie Fields, R. Maria Mitchell, Eva Murdock, Jennifer A. Trujillo
ASSOCIATE PRODUCERS: Reno Anastasio, Allen Facemire, Georgiana Galliano, William Hoversten, Degra James, Tamara Nance, Shawn Nowotnik, Robert Rhyne, Bob Saenz, Jon Shanks, Christopher Siaens
VERY SPECIAL THANKS: Robert Cox, Siddarth Jambhulkar, Christine Koehler, Sean Parker, Teresa Raschilla, Christopher Vincelette
SPECIAL THANKS: Peg Ainsley, Taylor Albertson, Christopher Baxter, Liam Carty, Robert Cox, Loretta Edwards, Donald Evans, Juan Manuel Figeroa, Joel Foner, Mark Francisco, Tom Gore, Alfonso Guerra, C.J. Julianus, Susan Keil, Joseph Lobosco, Landi Maduro, Christine Owens, Owen Palmiotti, Luca Raciti, Victoria Rosendahl, Harry Seddon, Dona Seymour Smith, David Tocher, Vicki Vodrey
THANK YOU: Eric Abramson, Ari Atari, Sarah Beim, Vicki Blythin, Eason Campbell, Matt Chassin, Aaron Ellis, Joshua Ferguson, Ken Frankel, Christine Hamrick, Robert Hensley, Christy Lee Hughes, Jody Jaress, Michael Juliano, Billie King, Marc Lee, Sean Lieberman, Raffaele Marraffa, Debra Markowitz, Floyd Marshall, Jr., Candina Malabag, Judy McMillan, Amanda Moresco, Caris Jujcec, Heather Snodgrass, Peter Swartz, Victoria Vertuga, Sheila Warren, Jerry Weil, Wendy White, LD Williams, Loki D. Wolf